The Feeling of Importance

We all are miserable without this feeling. From the very beginning of our lives, we want to have that consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes, it defines us. The main thing to be noted down is, we can get it from other people and the self. But we generally, don’t look at the self and trying to get that from the other people! This thing may spoil the mind.

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When we are children, the mother’s whole attention would be centred on us. When we admitted to school, we get the attention of teachers and friends. When we become young, the relatives and other people appreciate us for various things like our results, ranks, other achievements etc. When we get married, there will be hike in the fulfilment of this feeling. When we have child, this feeling will be improved and it will take bidirectional way so it will be like doubled. The same thing, we need at the workplace.

This feeling will be satisfied by someone at various stages of life. By this, we get satisfied and we get some joy! But it may lead to some dangerous problems, too. The main implication is, this feeling of importance never get saturation level. Our demands for feeling this ‘Feeling’ will be more and more day by day which sometimes or many times can’t be satisfied by the person or people. This will put us on the different stage of life. To sustain at that stage, we need to feel our own, self defined ‘feeling of Importance’. But many times, we get so much disturbed by other things and people (to which and whom we always welcome, still) that we cannot satisfy our needs. This will later on lead to many things like to suffer from inferiority complex, disease like depression and so on.

It also follows in such way that, “If you give more, you will get more!” But the best way to handle this is, never make your own image by others opinions because it is like building the home from playing cards. It will be broken, changed, condemned… Anything can happen.

Things can be summarized as, accept the feeling of importance from other people not to get superiority and the same from the self not to get inferiority!

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